Agenda Request Forms

If you would like an item placed on the agenda at a meeting of the Board of Trustees, please complete the appropriate form below:

The agenda request forms are Published in PDF with Adobe Reader Format.
Adobe Reader DC download or Other versions of Adobe

Staff      Public                Overnight Field Trip Requests

Please hand deliver the Agenda Request form to Executive Assistant located at the district office.

All Requests must be submitted one week prior to the Board meeting.

Calaveras Unified School District
3304 Highway 12
Valley Springs, CA 95252
Attention: Kimberly Hayes
(209) 754-2339

Citizen Participation

The School Board welcomes comments from Calaveras Unified residents and believes that strong community engagement and outreach are important components of a successful school system.

Any material to be distributed to Board of Trustees must be delivered to the District office no less than one business day prior to a meeting to allow the Board members sufficient time to review the material.

Please provide 6 copies of any material to be distributed, a copy will be retained at the District Office for the public record.