Illness Guidelines

Students & Staff.... Return to School/Work Guidelines.... 
I'm Sick, Now What?
Days are counted as:
Day 0 = day person tests positive or symptoms start.
Day 1 = the day after testing positive.


Information regarding common illnesses:

  • Flyer from CDPH including signs/symptoms requiring emergency care
  • COLD vs Flu - see chart above.
  • COVID-19 - see chart above.
  • Influenza (Flu) - see chart above.
  • Fifth's Disease (Erythema Infectiosum Parvovirus B-19) - come to school unless coughing, sore throat, and fever are present.
  • Hand Foot & Mouth Disease (Coxsackie-16 Virus) - stay home until lesions are gone and fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
  • Herpes Simplex(cold sores) - come to school.
  • Impetigo - stay home if sores are widespreat and cannot be covered; if able to cover, return after seeking medical attention.
  • Lice - treat and return; no waiting period.
  • MRSA - come to school; cover; no contact sports while present.
  • Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV) - see chart above.
  • Ringworm - stay home until treatment started; cover; no contact sports while present.
  • Pinkeye / Conjuctivitis - come to school; should contact health-care provider for advice.
  • Scabies - treat and return; no waiting period.
  • Strep Throat - stay home for 24 hours after starting antibiotics AND fever free at least 24 hours, without fever reducing medication.
  • Worms - come to school; should be seen by health-care provider for diagnosis and medication.