Educational Benefit Survey

Educational Benefit Survey
Posted on 08/06/2024

School Year: 2024-2025
Educational Benefits Survey

Dear CUSD Families;

Calaveras Unified encourages families to complete the Education Benefits Survey in replacement of the meal application. California legislation provides students with two free meals (breakfast and lunch) per school day. Therefore, this survey data is not used to certify students for free or reduced-price meals but is instead used to maximize additional funding for programs that previously relied on meal application data. This data can benefit your family and our schools. Household data is kept 100% confidential.

Some benefits include:

• Additional supplemental and concentration grant funding and other state and federal funding programs and services that support learning.
• CUSD may qualify for lower internet fees.
• Students may qualify for discounted or free AP, SAT and ACT tests.
• Students with a free or reduced eligibility can receive Pandemic EBT and Summer EBT automatically.
• Households can request an eligibility letter to receive discounts from programs in the community that accept free or reduced student eligibility.

Submitting your survey online is quick and easy on the parent portal:

Log in and scroll to More / Meal Benefits and start the application process.
Or utilize the fillable .pdf from the link below and email to our student eligibility processor:
Trinka Lumley [email protected]

Click below for the fillable .pdf: