Student Data Privacy Agreements

Calaveras Unified School District believes that protecting the privacy of students data is a top priority.  While using innovative digital resources, we take great measures to ensure the privacy and security of all our students' information. 

We have partnered with the National Student Data Privacy Consortium (NDPC) and California IT in Education (CITE) to assist us in securing National Data Privacy Agreements (NDPA's) for vendors that collect student data containing personally identifiable information (PII). 

- Data Privacy Agreements-

Within this page you will find a list of companies/websites which CUSD has an active privacy agreement with. You will also find the signed agreements herein. 


Which resources need to be reviewed?
Any digital resource, both free and paid, that students are interacting with and/or producing content on.

To request a new resource:

First check the list of digital resources (NDPA'S) to see if it has already been reviewed.

  1. If the resource is not on the list, please review the resource's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy to check its suitability for your students.                                                                                                           
  2. Staff-Please follow this link (click here) to submit a request for review on the resource form.                                             
  3. You will receive updates on your request via email.  Please remember, negotiating these agreements can take a long time, but you will be made aware of progress.